Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Well last night I got my son Arby's for dinner. He got the Regular Beef N Cheddar sandwich wrapped in there foil. Well he decided to wait to eat them at home. We walk in the door he goes to the microwave and throws the sandwich, wrapper and all into the microwave. Two seconds later my daughter is screaming FIRE! Yes the apple does not fall far from the tree. Now my son has caught the microwave on fire. Boy do wrappers go up in flame fast. LOL. We will definitely be eating out not taking out food. LOL. Have a great day.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Thank God for my Hubby!

I cannot cook. It is a known fact. I have caused one oven fire from chicken nuggets, one microwave fire from frozen biscuits and a Styrofoam plate and now I have succeeded in catching a George Foreman on fire. I officially turn my kitchen over to who ever wants it. LOL. Last night as I was trying to cook a burger on the Foreman I notice smoke. I assume that it is the grease from the burger and no big deal. Well hubby comes in the kitchen and says do you realize the Foreman is on fire. WHAT? He walks over to the counter and notices that I was cooking the cord instead of the burger. LOL. Thank God he caught it when he did or we would have had no kitchen or house left. I guess the George will continue to work for the next time hubby wants to use it. But I will not be using it or any other appliance in my kitchen. As my sign over my oven reads. Kitchen closed this chicks gone to Walmart. Of course it needs to read Kitchen closed this chicks at a restaurant. LOL. Happy Cooking and Eating to All of You! I am off to McDonald's LOL.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What is Wrong with our Weather?

Just like this picture I don't know how to dress either due to our crazy weather. Warm one day, freezing the next, rainy the next then so windy I feel like I will be picked up and blown away. LOL. MD had the motto "If you don't like the weather stay a day it will be different." I think SC will have to adopt this motto too because I really thought I lived in the South but outside definitely feels more like MD where we are from. This is the coldest winter I have ever experienced here and we have been in Charleston since 1997. I really worry about this Hurricane season. If you go back in history to when Charleston has had hurricanes the winter has been brutal and had snow. Let's see 1989 Hugo they had snow that January. 1999 Floyd we had snow in January. This was the first snow my kids ever saw. But we where not this cold in 1999. We still were wearing shorts in March. Now 2009 we had snow in January and February will this be the year? Mind you snow here means a flake or too. But 1989 it actually stayed on the ground. Some cities did get snow on the ground in February this year just not where we live. This year we have had a few shorts wearing days but not very many and this is April. I do think our blood thins living here due to the humidity so anything under 70 seems to be cold to someone living here over 3 years. LOL. I look forward to warm weather that stays warm. This year our pool is not even opening to May last year it was April. Shows what a difference a year makes. I guess we will be singing Wind, Wind go away please don't come another day! LOL.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Ryan's All You Can Eat Restaurant

Boy does Ryan's All You Can Eat Restaurant have a great deal now. All kids 4 to 12 eat the buffet for $1.99 as long as you ask for it. Kids 3 and under are still free. And parents you do not have to get the buffet you can order any of the meals. This is a great deal since they are regularly $4.99. It is Monday thru Saturday. The only day they are full price is Sunday because everyone is higher priced that day. Hope you all have a Ryan's in your neck of the woods. Bon Apetit.

For all you Summerville Folks go check out Kelly's BBQ on Highway 78. It is wonderful food, great atmosphere and reasonable prices. The all you can eat buffet is $8.99 a person and kids 12 and under are $3.99. They offer wonderful pull porked, beef brisket, bar-b-que chicken and fried chicken. Plus sides and desserts that are delicious. Everything is homemade at the restaurant. They are only open Wednesday thru Saturday. Have a great day and good eats.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Flowertown Festival Summerville, SC

This weekend is the 37th Annual Flowertown Festival in Summerville, SC sponsored by the YMCA. This event is a wonderful community event. There are vendors from around the world selling homemade goods. The food is awesome and the Taste of Summerville lets you sample lots of food from local restaurants. There is carnival rides for the little ones and lots of free samples up and down the street. Definetly a must for all in the area to attend. Friday April 3 and Saturday April 4 the festival is open 9am to 5pm and Sunday April 5 is 9am to 4pm. For more information and pictures from past events check out